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Your questions, our answers

What is domain appraisal?

GoDaddy Domain Appraisals used machine learning to accurately predict the value of a domain name. Using mass quantities of data and  work tokenization, we’ve  come up with a model that can assess a domain’s  value. Simple put, the domain  valuation tool removes a lot of the guesswork when it comes to predicting  your domain’s value . Because our domain appraisal is performed most efficiently by focusing on the precise wording of a domain, it’s  important to consider including pivotal SEO terms when you select a domain name.

How can I use GoDaddy domain appraisal?

If your domain is on the cusp of expiring and you know you’re not interested in renewing it, consider selling it. You might be sitting on a gold mine. If you know you do want to renew it, knowing your domain worth can help contextualize your use of it. You might also consider selling if you had a business idea that went in another direction, so the domain itself isn’t relevant to your pursuits anymore. Knowing what it could be worth can help you sell it in the GoDaddy aftermarket.

Does GoDaddy appraise domains that are owned with other  registrar?

GoDaddy can appraise domain names from any other registrar, but we have the best accuracy with common, English Language-based domains.

Will GoDaddy appraise my entire domain portfolio?

Yes, GoDaddy will eventually have the resources to appraise entire domain portfolios. When you have a valuable domain name that you should renew, protect, or consider selling (if it has been inactive over time), we will let you know through My Domains and your GoDaddy account. Before you attempt to buy or sell a domain, however, read our helpful guide for tips on keeping a narrow focus, concentrating on trusted branding, and finding domains that offer authentic value.

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